Studio Space Application Form

Please fill this out if you would like us to consider you for studio membership next time when the studio space will become available. We ask you these questions to make sure we can accommodate your practice and level of skill in the space/time we have.

    Where are you based?

    Could you tell us about your experience in ceramics? Did you do a degree or an evening course? Are you self-taught ceramicist?
    Where did you obtain the skills that will allow you to work independently in the medium?

    Do you have any ceramics studio or makerspace experience?

    Did you work in a studio shared with other artists/makers before? If so where?

    What is your main ceramics technique?
    ThrowingHandbuildingSlipcastingPress MouldingDecorating whiteware

    Why do you want to have a studio space in Ceramics Studio Co-op?

    Please give us a link to your professional website or social media that documents your ceramics or art practice.

    Please attach images of 3 recent ceramic pieces.
    1MB files maximum, acceptable file types (extensions) are: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf.